Friday, September 28, 2007

Half of Sale on Collage Degrees

Our Bible collage is having a sale on degrees right now, 50% off any degree. Now is the rite time for you to ackwire the tools you need for your minstry amen. Our bachlors are now selling for $500, masters of divinty for $350, and doctrates for $750 amen or all three for $1250 which is $350 savings after half off amen.

Now some of you mite be worred about the qualty of our classes becuse we are selling them so cheep amen. One man asked Preecher why there so cheep right now is it becuse there not any good amen? Let me tell you why amen. Our buses did not pass inspecton amen. We thot about suing for sepraton of church and state amen but the CLA has not reterned our calls so were just gong to have to rase the money to fix the buses amen. Its not rite amen but Preecher syas sometimes you got to do what it takes to win soles amen. Also theres some widows that rides the vans amen and they cant tithe if they cant come to church amen.

Some of you mite worry about the qualty of our doctrate amen. If thats case you can try out one of our classes for free amen. If you like it you can pay for it and will write it down in your transcrip for credit amen but if you dont like it then theres no charge amen. Not many semnarys will give you that deel amen.

The class is tott by Preecher and its on "False Religons and Herseys" The false religons include:

Suthron Baptists

These are herezies that will be studyed:

Modern perversons
New Evangleclism
Baby baptizing
Rock n Roll Religon
post Trib


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