Saturday, April 20, 2019

Are Fox news going libral?

Amen brothers & sisters,

Its been long time since I post becuse Ive been busy with the jail minstry. I just got back few days ago and was watching Foxy Friends in the morning with dad. Now Ive been a big follower of Fox News even as they follow Trump aman. There the only big name TV station that has made up the hedge and stood in the gap for the Presdent who is our authority according to the bible in 1 Corinthians 3 amen. If you dont like the athority then you shuld just move to another county amen but he must not be doing so bad becuse the Mexcans come poring over the border by the truckload amen. If they want to be here then why dont the librals? Its becuse darkness hates lite amen. Same reson the librals been down of Fox News becuse there spredding the lite in these dark times before the Triblation.

Ive offen wondered if maybe one of the two witness in the Tribulaton will be Shawn Hannity amen. Hes Cathlick and there not save but he does pretty good job so I think some day he will come around to the true path amen. Since there not much time left before that angle puckers his lips and blows the trump, theres good possibilty that a hi profile man like Hannity could be one of the witness aman.

But let me get to the point of this massage amen. I was watching Foxy Friends in the morning and there come on a commershal for a Anslee's Bible study. Now dont get me wrong I think its grate that women are study the Bible like Lois and Unice studied the KJB and taut Timothy amen. But Timothy was a little boy and when he became a man the Apostle; Paul took him under wings and gave him the meet and not just the milk amen. I dont think they shuld be advertise this show to men amen. Now if she printed out some DVDs and sold them for womens jubilees then that wuld be Biblical but preeching to man like she does will cause many to stumble. What does the world think aman when they look on that show and see a woman talking about her fathe amen. Its a stumbling block to men.

But it just signs of the times amaen with the cultural marksism we see everywhere try to blur the lines between man and woman aman.Got a lot of that going on at Al Molers semetary there in Loisville. Its just an easy slide from that bible study to having woman preechers in the pulpit like we see at so many suthron Babtish churches all over this land. Then you start getting the homo preechers and transgenders that are abomnation and sure sign the tribulation is about to start amen because they say that in the last days women will burn in there loins for other women right there it says it in the Romans Road to salvation just read it amen.

Now Id like to ask you to pray for this preecher as the days grow short amen I still havent found a wife and Id like to get merried and be a blessing to some woman before the Rapture takes us all away amen. Its discurraging to see even Fox News gong libral and you know so many of our Babtists watch that show and even home sckool girls if there family owns a TV for sports and news amen. Now I dont think you shuld watch much TV but this is an area of discreton but amen I think more and more I need to tell dad he shuld get rid of it instead of watching women preechers amen.

Till necks time,

Evangelist Rev. Dr. Bro. Phil ARmenik

Moe.D., D.D., D.Min, D.I.P., Th.D., Ph.D., D.Litt, D.Hum., D.Miss.

King James Only, Pretriblatonal, Premilenniall, Dispensatonal, High Standards, Soul Winning, Hell Fire and Brimestone Preachig, Bus Minstry, No Tunges, Old Paths Landmark INDAPENDANT FUNMENTAL BAPTIST!!


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